Fox & goose covid-19 guidance

We're taking all the necessary precautions for Covid-19 to protect you as much as possible. Hopefully you wont be able to notice too many changes, as we are trying to make it as normal as possible in the Fox and Goose but you will notice a few differences when you arrive.

UPDATED GUIDANCE AT AT SEPT 2020: please note that the latest Government guidance requires all customers to wear face masks at all times when moving around our premises unless you are seated at your table where you are permitted to remove it.

  • Book when possible, if you have not booked in advance, we will take diner details to allow for ‘Track and Trace’. We won’t pass these details on to any third party.

  • On arrival please use the entrance that relates to your booking, Restaurant or Pub, it’s important to keep to the arrival time you have booked.

  • We recommend using our hand sanitiser when entering and exiting, which is situated inside each entrance.

  • All customers will be directed straight to their table, no standing or ordering from the bars.

  • We won’t offer to take your coast as you may have experienced previously with us, please keep coats and belongings with you.

  • The dining areas have changed slightly and expanded to allow for social distancing.

  • We follow the government's guidance for use of a face mask or PPE. Our team are wearing marks to provide extra protection for everyone.

  • Everyone has their own menu already at the table, please take away with you or place in the recycling bins provided when you leave.

  • Wine lists are left on the table for each booking and then are sanitised at the end of each shift.

  • We will not be pouring wine for guests, we will leave it with you. This includes the initial tasting.

  • Salt and pepper has been removed from the table but are available upon request so we can sanitise each one after use.

  • Please respect and keep to social distancing with regards to our staff and other customers.

  • Windows and doors will be open weather permitting to ventilate. If they are not please ask and we will gladly open one for you.

  • High touch points: doors, handles, banisters, tills, card machines are well sanitised at regular intervals.

  • We’ve always been on top of hygiene but our cleaning regimes have been revised and we are using Covid-19 approved sanitisers.

  • Do have you have any classic symptoms of Covid -19?

  • These include the following… please seek advise and delay your booking with us.

  • A high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)?

  • A new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)?

  • A loss or change to your sense of smell or taste – this means you've noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal?